Windows 2000 SP3 or SP4

Check your IPv6 configuration

In order to check that IPv6 works in your PC, run in a console window:

ping6 -n 5 ::1

If the result is the following (or similar):

Pinging ::1
from ::1 with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from ::1: bytes=32 time<1ms
Reply from ::1: bytes=32 time<1ms
Reply from ::1: bytes=32 time<1ms
Reply from ::1: bytes=32 time<1ms
Reply from ::1: bytes=32 time<1ms
Ping statistics for ::1:
Packets: Sent = 5, Received = 5, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 0ms, Maximum = 0ms, Average = 0ms

It means that IPv6 is installed correctly. Basically you need to be able to read "5 Received".

However, if the system does not recognize the command introduced (and/or returns any kind of error), follow the instructions in the next section.

How to install IPv6

  • Open the proper zip file from:
 and extract it in a local folder, for example C:\IPv6TP.
  • Execute, from that folder, setup.exe. Probably, restart the machine is needed.
  • From the desktop, click the right button of Network Environment, click on properties, and again, with the right button over the network card in which IPv6 is wanted to be installed, click on properties.
  • Click over Install, and select protocol and add. Choose Microsoft IPv6 and click over Ok.

Now, that you have installed IPv6, follow the instructions at the top of this page to make sure that it is working correctly.

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